How to Pick the Best Light Bulbs for Different Rooms

When picking out different types of lighting for your house, there’s a lot to be considered. Some lights feel best in certain rooms, while other rooms may benefit from a different kind of light. For example, how do you know when to use a warm yellow light, as opposed to a soft white light?

There are plenty of options at your disposal. So, how do you narrow down the options and make the best decisions based on the different rooms of your home? Below is a list of the different types of light bulbs and the different types of light they emit, as well as how beneficial they can be towards the overall ambience and efficiency of a certain room.

Different Light Bulbs for Different Occasions

According to advice by lighting contractor Singapore, different types of light bulbs may work best in different situations. Depending on how often you’re using the room, you want to invest in different types of bulbs. Here’s a rundown of the types of bulbs that you may come across during your search at the hardware store:

  • Incandescent: The oldest and most common type of light bulb. They usually emit a warm, glowing light, and they are not as energy efficient as other types of bulbs.
  • LED lights: LED lights are slowly replacing incandescents as the most popular and most sought-after kind of bulb. They are far more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs, and they are used for task-based lighting. They emit a harsh white light.
  • CFLs: Also known as compact fluorescent lights, they are the most energy efficient bulb on the market after LEDs. They usually emit a cool light, but they are being developed in other hues and warmths as well. They are great for certain situations, and they do contain mercury, so they need to be properly disposed of.
  • Halogens: Halogen lights are another good choice for task-based lighting. They emit a warm light that is similar to the natural light of day, which can really brighten a space if you need a lot of light. They are more energy efficient than incandescents.

Choosing the right kind of light bulb can be advantageous for bringing a lot of function and aesthetic preference into your home. Some rooms look great with warmer lighting, while others require a white light to offer the best in brightness and vibrancy.

What are You Using the Room For?

One of the most important questions you can ask yourself is, “what are you using the room for?” Understanding what purpose and function your rooms serve can help you determine what kind of lighting you want to use in that room.

Here are some examples of different types of lighting for different room functions, to help you make the best decisions:

  • Task lighting is best for a working area. If you have a desk, a workbench, or a reading area, you’ll want a bright white light. LEDs and CFLs are often the go-to choice for these types of areas.
  • General lighting, also known as ambient lighting, is great for lighting big, comfortable rooms. This is often the kind of overhead lighting you’ll want in an entryway, living room, or den. Incandescents work great for these, but halogens work well too, as they invite a natural light to illuminate the whole area.
  • Accent lighting is good for specific areas of a room. If you want the couch area of the living room to be illuminated, or a bookcase, you can use accent lighting. Most types of bulbs work great for this.

Different types of lighting can set different moods. Depending on how you want to decorate your home, you can use light bulbs to determine how warm, inviting, or functional a space can be. Remember that you can find most of these bulbs available at your local hardware or convenience stores, so you have the ability to adjust your lighting until you find something that fits your rooms perfectly.